The Training Corner
September 2022 addition: I have stated my firm belief that Horses are Honest. After competing in the Mongol Derby and riding on horses that are still as pure as the times of Chingiss Khan; I will state more emphatically - Horses are Honest!
My true awakening of how horses should be cared for and how to be properly ridden was passed to me by very experienced people. Some famous, most not. But one thing was constant, the basic foundation of classical riding and the care of horses. Classical Riding is an oral tradition passed through time though a few documents have survived. The first book written in 401BC by Xenophon The Art of Horsemanship, contains the first glimpse of how to care and train a horse. The last historical writing pertaining to classical riding is by Alois Podhajsky, The Complete Training of the Horse and Rider, is a very detailed account of how to train up to grand prix level. This method has NO gimmicks, NO quick training and NO fancy widgets you need to buy in order to become a good horseman. You do not need to win ribbons (and spend countless amounts of money) to prove that you are an excellent rider. You do not need a lot of money. What you do need and I cannot stress this enough, is time. The saying from Alois Podhajsky, “I have time.” is the most valuable lesson and commodity that is needed.
On this page, I will write about some of the basic riding lessons I teach that are foundational to a good seat. I have humor added in because, like raising children, training horses needs a sense of humor.
This picture illustrates proper seat: Shoulders/hips/heels in straight line. Straight line from bit to elbow.
There are articles that will be added soon on how to ride that all riders can use!
How to choose the right Instructor for You
Choosing an instructor that is right for you can be stressful and how do you know that this one is right for you and your horse? Here are a few factors to consider that will help you in any discipline, on any horse.
Choosing the right instructor for you and your horse!
1. The first thing to consider is an honest appraisal of your riding level and what you want to achieve.
I am terrified every time I tack up my horse but really have no reason, how do I get over that?
I am stuck at First Level and can't seem to get past this, do I need a 'better horse'?
I have a horse from a great line of barrel racers but I can't seem to get a good time, why?
2. Talk to riders about whom they recommend and why then go see the instructor during a lesson.
Listen to the instructor – do they talk in a manner in which you understand?
Are they trying to impress the rider with their knowledge or actually teach a point?
Do they try to have the rider improve on everything all at once?
Do they use gimmicks such as “use this fancy stick to get them to behave” or use this tie-down to fix this issue? (Remember, less is more and training takes time, less tack means more communication with your horse)
Do they show the student how to do whatever they are teaching is supposed to be done on the horse that is being ridden?
How do the horses react around the instructor?
Watch the instructor ride their own horse, they should ride in a manner that you want to emulate.
These are very important points to consider since anyone can hang a shingle and call themselves an instructor. Some have 'papers' showing they can teach. The proof is in the outcome. How many of their riders have improved or will give testimony that this is the best instructor ever?
Remember, there are no quick fixes. Riding skills is athletic and takes time to build the muscles in the rider and the horse. If you are dedicated, you and your horse will benefit.
3. Research the internet, you will find the right instructor for you. Meanwhile, watch horses in their natural environment and learn their behaviour so you can understand them.

How to articles:
These quick read articles are best utilized as an intro into the concepts presented or as reminders of the muscles that need to twitch.
The Half-Halt What is it and why is it useful? Briefly, it is a command that is useful in helping your horse to balance itself for a new command; whether changing gaits, jumping, collection, extension, etc. This command reminds the horse to use their back to haunches muscles and not plow forward on the forehand. How to ask for it: Seat - Breathe down into a halt for one hoof beat Feet - While breathing down into your seat, visualize breathing it all the way down into your feet where the weight of your balance will settle. Hands - Close your hands into a halt without yanking for one beat. In certain situations, it could be just the inside or outside hand dependent on the movement you are looking to achieve. Seat - Feet - Hands - one breath, one hoof beat. This should take place for one cadence or stride. Remember to sit up so your shoulders/hips/heels are in a straight line. The "feel" is the horse engaging the haunches and it will feel like there is a lot of horse under you but very gentle in the hands.
The Rising Trot or How to Post Why would you want to post a trot? There's a few reasons, long distances is the first to come to mind as this preserves both the horse and rider. in arena work, it is for freeing a horse's back muscles while riding their working trot. I will warn, that posting a trot is a "feel" and once you develop it, it will become second nature. A few terms to learn: Diagonal - when a horse trots (non-gaited horse), the opposing pairs move together; right fore/left hind, left fore/right hind. It is a 2 beat feeling and hearing(attach some bells and you'll hear it better) Inside rein - If in an arena, the inside rein is the rein towards the middle of the arena. ie if you are going to the right, your right rein and right leg are your inside aids. Outside rein - just the opposite of above. Therefore, if you are riding to the right in an arena, your left rein and leg will be your outside aids. Now to ride it - I recommend riding without stirrups to get the full benefit of learning the feel and the muscles needed to do this properly. The movement you are going to achieve is a rolling up and off your thighs while keeping your heels down or level and shoulders/hips/heels in alignment. If you take away the horse, you should be standing whether you are at the rise or the sit in the posting sequence. Establish a nice rhythmical working walk and then ask for a trot. As the horse trots, feel the "bounce" that will naturally impel you up and out of the saddle. Let this motion do so but control it by allowing your upper body to roll up off your thighs with your belly button pushing upwards towards the horse's ears. Make sure you don't lean forward - always maintain the vertical shoulder/hip/heel alignment. Never NEVER pull yourself up using the reins. Land lightly upon your saddle and follow the rhythm. If you are doing this properly, your horse will continue happily forward. Adjusting the forward speed or slowing down is in another article. For now, obtaining the muscles and feel is the goal. Now to check for the "proper diagonal" look as you are rising at the outside front leg as this leg should be going forward as you are rising. ie. if you are going to the left around an arena, you will be rising with your horse's outside leg, the right leg. If you notice by glancing down that you are not on the proper diagonal, sit for two strides and then start rising. You should be on the proper diagonal. Remember, this takes time and patience. Have fun with this - use music that has a two beat!
Recommend Reading
The oldest preserved manuscript of riding, any riding, is from Commander Xenophon of Greece. His book, Hippke or The Art of Horsemanship, was published in 430BC.
Insights on the training of a knight, a manuscript that wasn't completed but is good reading from Dom Duarte of Portugal, circa 1438, Livro da ensinança de bem cavalgar toda sela ("Book on the instruction of riding well on every saddle")
A brief history of classical riding from a trustworthy source, Sylvia Loch of England, Dressage: The Art of Classical Riding
And finally, for me, this book covers all that you need to know in how to train a horse and rider, Alois Podhajsky, former director of the Spanish Riding School in Austria, saviour of the Lippizans, The Complete Training of the Horse and Rider in the Principals of Classical Horsemanship.

Videos to watch
Perfect practice makes perfect. This saying was spoken to me by 2 people, my first classical riding teacher, and my bagpipe teacher. It sounds like an oxymoron but it isn't if you think about it. How do you make perfect practice? With a good coach who tells you "remember that feeling and all the muscles you used and the response you achieved with your horse!". Also, watching the best of the best. Dr. Reiner Klimke is whom I watched as I started my classical riding career. He was one of the last Olympians who trained their horses from green to Grand Prix. Here are a few of my favorite clips.